The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Kentucky

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Vision Statement

"Leading Women Educators  Impacting Education Worldwide"

Finance Committee


Karin Edgington, Upsilon, Chair

11117 Pleasant Ridge Rd, Alexandria, KY 41001

Karen White, Chi


Brenda Holder, Psi


Laura Tallert, Zeta




The Finance Committee shall be responsible for supervising the financial affairs of the organization, including recommendations for the expenditure and investment of funds, preparation of a budget for adoption by the Executive Board, and an annual audit.  The president and the treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members.  Goals include:
a.  preparing the yearly Available Fund Budget for presentation to the Executive Board
b.  reviewing investment policies and update as needed
c.  reviewing the annual audit of Alpha Gamma State funds
d.  responding to concerns expressed by Chapter Finance Chairs and Chapter Treasurers
e.  working with the Non-dues Revenue Committee to promote non-dues revenue opportunities

Recent Notifications
